HI 6326 Session 6


  1. Lecture 1: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (PDF file)

Resources and Assignments:


1. PDF of a comprehensive and easily accessible review of NMR for Lecture 1:
    Sattler, 2002

Reading Assignment:

Read the above PDF review on NMR.

X (ignore the following assignment this semester!)

Term 'Paper' Assignment - Journal Club:

The following PowerPoint presentations in "journal club" style are to be held by students in session 10 during class.  Prepare about 15-20 PowerPoint slides that summarize the listed articles. The oral presentation should not exceed 25 minutes (5 minutes discussion and critizism follows each talk). This assignment counts as the final term paper. The articles discuss advanced topics in single particle image processing and complement the introductory material presented in sessions 7-9. Note that it is possible to extract images and equations from the PDF files with programs such as Adobe Acrobat vs. 5 or above (not the Reader, you need the licensed software). Let us know if you have trouble obtaining Acrobat or Microsoft PowerPoint or if you are unhappy with the assigned paper. The assignment is final after session 8.

1. Student name TBA. Automated neural network based particle picking on EM micrographs
    Ogura & Sato, 2001

2. Student name TBA. Classification of 2D particle images using a topology representing network
    Ogura et al., 2003

3. Student name TBA. 3D Projection matching of 2D images using sinograms and trajectories
    Bellon et al, 2002